November 2021 Tour Dates

Mic King’s running joke throughout our September tour dates was “big thanks to everyone here, for risking your life to come out to a concert,” and I couldn’t agree more with that statement. I have nothing but the highest gratitude for our fans and my tour mates; getting to come out of hiding to travel the country and share our art felt like a dream after such a long hiatus. And if that wasn’t enough, we get to do it all again this November in the Western parts of the country. I assure you that the Dark Time Sunshine performance is well-oiled and sounding better than ever, plus I have some super-secret-unreleased music that I’ll be sharing. And if that wasn’t enough, Las Vegas’ very own Upgrade will be joining us as well! Take a look at the dates listed above, and let me know if you are nearby and want to come see the show! Pre-sale tickets are available now for most cities, so if you want to save a few bucks then just click the “tickets” button!

#BASSofTheMondays End-Of-Summer Playlist Update

It’s not quite “back to school” yet, but I think we can all agree there is a sense of the seasons changing. Summer’s soon coming to a close, so I wanted to give everyone one last dose of sunny vibes on the #BASSofTheMondays Spotify playlist. Lots of recent releases on there, from the top of the charts to the depths of the underground. Take a listen and let me know what your favorite song is!

Artists and producers can always submit tracks here for consideration as well.

Cover: Ivy Lab


It's August, the last of our summer festivals are upon us 🍂, and if you're anything like me you're starting to think about those extra layers of clothes that we’ll need to start busting out in a few weeks. The tricky part is that, after staying in my house for like a whole year, all my sweatshirts and stuff are old and dusty. I figured I can’t be the only one going through this wardrobe conundrum right now, so I decided it’s time for a new Torbjørn clothing drop. As always, I’m blessed to have Stein Hansen bringing my ideas to life. The hoodie design represents my spirit animal, the bjørn (bear). Of course turntables are a staple of my production and performance, and there’s a few more of the green DJ graphic designs as well. Pre-orders are happening now, just hit the button below. (Please allow ~3 weeks for shipping.)

Which is your favorite design? Let me know what you think!

Dark Time Sunshine, Ceschi, Torbjørn fall tour dates

Okay we're just over the half-way point of 2021, and I think it's time to check in on our top releases of the year. What songs / albums do you have in your list so far this year? I’m keeping it to a top 3 since we’re only half way through, but I’m firm on these, they’ve been staples in my DJ sets and just listening to music in the car / at the gym;

I had the pleasure of producing a few live streams for Dark Time Sunshine at my studio, which is where I first heard their new album LORE. It’s a really awesome album filled with some amazing lyrics, singing, and rapping, and the beat production by Zavala is stunning as well. I’m excited to announce that I’ll be joining them on tour to DJ and sing background vocals this fall, along with Ceschi and Icon the Mic King. There’s a lot of cities I’ve never visited before, let alone played a show at. So I’m REALLY excited to travel out there and meet everybody. Let me know if you’ll be in any of these cities, I’d love to have you out to a show! You can check out the tour dates and purchase tickets below.


#BASSofTheMondays Spotify Playlist

It looks like everything is finally opening back up… are you back at work yet? My schedule is filling up REALLY quickly, and I’m checking in with some (mixed feelings of) gratitude, having stayed at home for so long this last year. Well I suppose everything has to come to an end (or maybe you’d call it a new beginning), so I just wanted to check back in and send some new tunes your way to help cure the “Monday blues” since we’re all going back to work again.

You may have seen or heard recently that we’re ending the #BASSofTheMondays weekly live stream. We had a great four-year run, and featured a LOT of dope artists on the show. That being said, I don’t want to lose the original spirit of why I started doing Case / Bass of the Mondays in the first place; to help bring a positive vibe on what is arguably everyone’s least favorite day of the week.

And even though we won’t be doing our weekly Twitch thing, I’ll still be dropping some new gems every Monday by updating the Spotify playlist.

Artists and producers can always submit tracks here for consideration as well. Thanks and have a great week!

Cover: Tsuruda

Pastel Painted Sunrise

What are your top 3 picks when you take a trip? 🤔 I got Maui, England, and Alta in Northern Norway. Maui makes the list because, well, it’s amazing there no matter where or when you go. England (Liverpool, specifically) is where I went to college, so there’s the nostalgia factor. And Northern Norway (especially in the Summer) is probably the most beautiful place on earth, and it’s where my Grandfather comes from.

It’s been wayyyy too long since I’ve gotten to travel to these places and see my friends and family, and at this point I’d give just about anything to get to go back. That’s what my new song “Pastel Painted Sunrise” is about- longing for and celebrating my favorite places, along with a summer festival-ready dance beat to back it up. Hit the links below to stream, and as always there’s a free download link at the bottom.

Pastel Painted Sunrise.png