Tell Me Remix EP

I never thought I'd say this, but I seriously think these four producers killed me on my own beat! I'm curious which of these tracks you think is the biggest banger. ChefWamp, Luke Rain, Thred, and Gluerilla ••• all went in HARD on this remix contest, and I have to tip my hat to these guys for all their amazing work. The remix EP is out now on Spotify, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, etc. And as always, DJs and MP3 collectors can download all my self-released music for $0. Hit the button below and you’ll see the “Free Download” option at the bottom.

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Tell Me Remix Contest

Producers friends; here is your chance to be a part of the official Tell Me Remix EP, which will be released and promoted on Spotify, iTunes, and more! A full list of prizes, a download link for the remix stems, and submission link/guidelines are all listed below. Good luck and have fun! ✌🔊

Tell Me (remix).png

Four winners will be chosen by #BASSofTheMondays staff

Winners announced on the #BASSofTheMondays live stream, Monday April 5th


(Submission Link Below)

Remix Contest Prizes:

  • Placement on the official “Tell Me Remixes EP” released on Spotify, iTunes, etc.

  • Professional mastering for your remix, by Fixed Mastering in Los Angeles

  • Promotion of your remix to over 70,000 fans on SoundCloud

  • Exclusive “Remix Contest Winner” role on the #BASSofTheMondays Discord Server

  • Exclusive Twitch Chat !command designed by you* on the #BASSofTheMondays live stream

  • Placement your remix, and one original song on the #BASSofTheMondays Spotify playlist*

  • An opportunity to be one of the weekly featured artists on the #BASSofTheMondays live stream, with your 60-min DJ mix played during the headlining time slot*

*- Pending staff approval, to uphold live stream and playlist quality standards. Resubmissions will be accepted in the event of any discrepancy.


FRIDAY, APRIL 2nd 2021

Contest Rules / Terms and Conditions:

By participating in the Seen A Ghost Remix Contest, and/or by downloading the Seen A Ghost Remix Stems, (even if you do not submit a remix), you are considered a “contestant” and agree to the following terms and conditions.

New Song "Tell Me" Out Now!

There's always SOME divided opinion when releasing new music, but for the first time (that I can remember, at least) I’ve gotten nothing but overwhelming positive feedback. So I’m really curious what you think: is this the best song I’ve ever released, or have the haters just not gotten out of bed yet today?

My new song “Tell Me” is available now for streaming on all major platforms, and for free download at the buttons below.

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New Song "Liked U Better" Out Now!

Happy Valentine’s! Everything this past season has felt like the anti-year. Whatever we’ve hoped and planned for, it seems like the opposite of that has happened. So this year I decided that, for the most loving time of year, I would tell a story about heartbreak. Have you ever said something that you regret? Have you ever hurt someone’s feelings, looked back on that moment and felt ashamed? I know I have! What I’ve learned is that it’s never too late to learn your lesson, and it’s always worth at least trying to go back and repair things that have been damaged. I hope you can see a bit of yourself in this story, and maybe it will motivate you to reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.

You’ll find all the streaming links below, including links to download the song for free if you want. Enjoy!

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Seen A Ghost Remix Contest

Producers friends; here is your chance to be a part of the official Seen A Ghost Remix EP, which will be released and promoted on Spotify, iTunes, and more! A full list of prizes, a download link for the remix stems, and submission link/guidelines are all listed below. Good luck and have fun! ✌🔊

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Four winners will be chosen by #BASSofTheMondays staff

Winners announced on the #BASSofTheMondays live stream, Monday Jan 25th


(Submission Link Below)

Remix Contest Prizes:

  • Placement on the official “Seen A Ghost Remixes EP” released on Spotify, iTunes, etc.

  • Professional mastering for your remix, by Fixed Mastering in Los Angeles

  • Promotion of your remix to over 30,000 fans on SoundCloud

  • Exclusive “Remix Contest Winner” role on the #BASSofTheMondays Discord Server

  • Exclusive Twitch Chat !command designed by you* on the #BASSofTheMondays live stream

  • Placement your remix, and one original song on the #BASSofTheMondays Spotify playlist*

  • An opportunity to be one of the weekly featured artists on the #BASSofTheMondays live stream, with your 60-min DJ mix played during the headlining time slot*

*- Pending staff approval, to uphold live stream and playlist quality standards. Resubmissions will be accepted in the event of any discrepancy.



Contest Rules / Terms and Conditions:

By participating in the Seen A Ghost Remix Contest, and/or by downloading the Seen A Ghost Remix Stems, (even if you do not submit a remix), you are considered a “contestant” and agree to the following terms and conditions.

New Song "Seen A Ghost" Out Now!

Happy new year everybody! I’m excited to share my new song with you, and I feel that everyone is going to resonate with this one in their own unique way. The last year has seen many people take different paths when handling hardship, and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying it's difficult to see loved ones struggle and make poor choices. This song deals with that subject matter; the frustrations of wishing the best for your friends and family, when ultimately it's up to them how they live their life! I know this is a heavy subject to put out there in a song, but I hope you can hear this and see a bit of your own story in the lyrics. And I hope you know that in whatever you’re going through that you’re not alone, and that sometimes it’s okay to feel heavy while you work through the hard times.

You’ll find all the streaming links below, including links to download the song for free if you want. Enjoy!

Seen A Ghost (v1).png

#BASSofTheMondays affiliate status on Twitch!

Wow!! This much support after just a few episodes… this is absolutely unreal, people. In only six episodes, we have amassed over 300 followers, reached affiliate status on Twitch, and received over 30 subscriptions.

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We’re pulling out all the stops to bring you the best stream possible; with featured artists, live painting, resident DJs and VJs, dance performances… you name it. We want to bring you a small piece of DJ festival culture every Monday night. We started with these first three emotes…

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And thanks to all your support, we just unlocked new slots to add extend-a-dread Reisdent DJ Gold•ish

Now you too can make Ross’s dreads infinitely long! Or spam my bass face when a sick drop hits. More new emotes will show up as we get more subs, plus every now-and-then we might swap the old ones out for something else if we get a new idea! so hit the button and give us a sub, or at least come see what our festival is all about. 🔊✌️

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#BASSofTheMondays Season 4 Begins!

Aaand, we're BACK! (back, back, back...)

This season marks a new chapter of my live stream… after three years of streaming I’ve decided to change things up a bit. We’re now known as #BASSofTheMondays, and we’ve moved everything entirely over to to keep the party all in one place.

And it’s not just the name and streaming platform that’s changed! The show is now a whopping four hours long, from 8p-midnight pacific. Each episode will feature my picks from the weekly playlist, as well as an hour-long DJ set by a featured artist. I’m also showcasing three resident DJs (Gold•ish, Parrott, and Subduktion) as well as resident artists; dance performance by Tae Shantii, live painting by Jaclyn Layton, and VJ sets by 25GDMT (plus occasional featured dance/painting/VJ artists as well).

Watch the stream Monday @ 8PM Pacific:

Here's what the stream looks like in season 4; virtual festival stage with a DJ booth, dancers, live painting, and motion graphics. The Twitch chat now shows up on-screen too, so all your chat room antics will be included in the video clips!

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#BASSofTheMondays Weekly Playlist

The #BASSofTheMondays weekly playlist is back! Every Monday we're adding new songs to the Spotify Playlist, and always FREE downloads on SoundCloud! Trap, Dubstep, Future Bass, and more. You can also submit your own music to be considered for the playlist and live stream here.


We just launched our #BASSofTheMondays Discord Server! You can go there now to get your first server role, learn more about our resident artists, and compete in upcoming remix contests / beat battles!

Join Our Discord Server: