#BASSofTheMondays March Playlist Update
#BASSofTheMondays February Playlist Update
#BASSofTheMondays End-Of-Summer Playlist Update
It’s not quite “back to school” yet, but I think we can all agree there is a sense of the seasons changing. Summer’s soon coming to a close, so I wanted to give everyone one last dose of sunny vibes on the #BASSofTheMondays Spotify playlist. Lots of recent releases on there, from the top of the charts to the depths of the underground. Take a listen and let me know what your favorite song is!
Artists and producers can always submit tracks here for consideration as well.
Cover: Ivy Lab
#BASSofTheMondays Spotify Playlist
It looks like everything is finally opening back up… are you back at work yet? My schedule is filling up REALLY quickly, and I’m checking in with some (mixed feelings of) gratitude, having stayed at home for so long this last year. Well I suppose everything has to come to an end (or maybe you’d call it a new beginning), so I just wanted to check back in and send some new tunes your way to help cure the “Monday blues” since we’re all going back to work again.
You may have seen or heard recently that we’re ending the #BASSofTheMondays weekly live stream. We had a great four-year run, and featured a LOT of dope artists on the show. That being said, I don’t want to lose the original spirit of why I started doing Case / Bass of the Mondays in the first place; to help bring a positive vibe on what is arguably everyone’s least favorite day of the week.
And even though we won’t be doing our weekly Twitch thing, I’ll still be dropping some new gems every Monday by updating the Spotify playlist.
Artists and producers can always submit tracks here for consideration as well. Thanks and have a great week!
Cover: Tsuruda
#BASSofTheMondays affiliate status on Twitch!
Wow!! This much support after just a few episodes… this is absolutely unreal, people. In only six episodes, we have amassed over 300 followers, reached affiliate status on Twitch, and received over 30 subscriptions.
We’re pulling out all the stops to bring you the best stream possible; with featured artists, live painting, resident DJs and VJs, dance performances… you name it. We want to bring you a small piece of DJ festival culture every Monday night. We started with these first three emotes…
And thanks to all your support, we just unlocked new slots to add extend-a-dread Reisdent DJ Gold•ish
Now you too can make Ross’s dreads infinitely long! Or spam my bass face when a sick drop hits. More new emotes will show up as we get more subs, plus every now-and-then we might swap the old ones out for something else if we get a new idea! so hit the button and give us a sub, or at least come see what our festival is all about. 🔊✌️
#BASSofTheMondays Season 4 Begins!
Aaand, we're BACK! (back, back, back...)
This season marks a new chapter of my live stream… after three years of streaming I’ve decided to change things up a bit. We’re now known as #BASSofTheMondays, and we’ve moved everything entirely over to Twitch.tv/beatsbytor to keep the party all in one place.
And it’s not just the name and streaming platform that’s changed! The show is now a whopping four hours long, from 8p-midnight pacific. Each episode will feature my picks from the weekly playlist, as well as an hour-long DJ set by a featured artist. I’m also showcasing three resident DJs (Gold•ish, Parrott, and Subduktion) as well as resident artists; dance performance by Tae Shantii, live painting by Jaclyn Layton, and VJ sets by 25GDMT (plus occasional featured dance/painting/VJ artists as well).
Watch the stream Monday @ 8PM Pacific: www.BASSofTheMondays.com
Here's what the stream looks like in season 4; virtual festival stage with a DJ booth, dancers, live painting, and motion graphics. The Twitch chat now shows up on-screen too, so all your chat room antics will be included in the video clips!
#BASSofTheMondays Weekly Playlist
The #BASSofTheMondays weekly playlist is back! Every Monday we're adding new songs to the Spotify Playlist, and always FREE downloads on SoundCloud! Trap, Dubstep, Future Bass, and more. You can also submit your own music to be considered for the playlist and live stream here.
We just launched our #BASSofTheMondays Discord Server! You can go there now to get your first server role, learn more about our resident artists, and compete in upcoming remix contests / beat battles!
Join Our Discord Server: http://bit.ly/botm-discord